The Swem Mis-Imperative

Against strident advice from the last remaining traditionalists still left alive after nonpayment of salaries in Benue, Ochivirigh Ayatse swore the oath of office with the Bible no doubt buoyed on by the Governor who advocated that path even before Ayatse's selection.

The cause of disagreement is that despite the Bible being the source of theology of Christianity it is still a divisive force for TIV people in practice.

The dominant version of Christianity in Tiv land is the NKST church, distinct in many respects from the Catholic and Protestant church. According to most reports Ayatse is a devout Deeper Life another distinct sect.

While the Tor Tiv has sworn the oath of office using the Bible and by it signaling that the Tiv nation is a Christian, 95% Christian as claimed by Ortom on channels tv, the other bone of contention is that he will revert back to his sect, Deeper Life, thereby abandoning the Catholic Church and it's off shoot NKST variation.

This is troubling knowing how devout he is and how People follow leaders around in Nigeria which will see him pull many favor seekers away from their denominations into the Deeper Life not drawing a strong followership amongst the TIV as NKST and the Catholic Church do presently.

The Bible and Christianity is therefore not the unifying force or rallying point for the Tiv people and that is why he should have been compelled to continue the precedent of the past Tor Tiv’s by swearing by the Swem which is synonymous in the folklore of the Tiv as the language itself.

The Swem is neutral and inherently Tiv and signals such to all adversaries, foes and allies alike on the all-important issues of religion and alliances.

An abrahemically compromised Tor Tiv and Governor are not neutral enough and theologically at crossroads in examining invasive conflicts from practicing Christianity and encroaching Islam.

religiously partisan leaders are unable to see the need to break away from token alliances or form new alliances with religions that serve it well.

For instance a neutral ruler may see the benefits of Islamic non interest banking as beneficial to his people and truthfully with the Tiv steadfastness in political support of the core north might it not be beneficial for the Tiv to create a stronger more theological alliance with Islam and its military wing, Fulani herdsmen and the core northern controlled government who will begin viewing the Tiv less as Munchin but more as brother and soften the force of their murderous onslaught.

Support and power may come faster from the Tiv's historical alliance with the north due to the power the control than it would come from Jerusalem, Ireland or from the oppressed Christian Igbo tribe in the east.

Being neutral in regards to Christianity means CAN, Rome and Israel would be put in the position of fighting harder for the patronage of Tiv souls and they will be forced to advocate for the protection of the Tiv to sway them towards their faith instead of relying on the unflinching faith and credit of the Tiv just as the US Democratic Party has been accused of taking black people for granted at election because their support is a given.

The battle is not over and patriots and traditionalists must be unrelenting in making sure that the Tor Tiv is not partisan in his denominational devotion that can cause further disunity even within the Christian originated sub divided denominational churches present in Tiv land today.

A perfect situation to insulate the Tiv and the Tor Tiv from Abrahamic influences and moral suasion is to persuade the Tor Tiv not to visit any church, he can carry out his prayers in the palace, this will reduce his partisanship in religion and insulate him from desperate politicians who are sure to find a way to access him and be seen with him at church invariably and sublimely trans mutating his support for their candidature; believe it, no Tor Tiv wishes to be drawn into politics, but they invariably get drawn in by the venue and people they tend to visit or be seen associating with.

It is never too late to return to the Swem, steering clear of invasive Abrahamic religions of Christianity translated from Hebrew to English and the encroaching Koran written in Arabic and perhaps translated into English as well, all not Tiv.

Ka pe lu la


By Terhemba Osuji | March 4, 2017


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