Notes on the Re-Election of Ortom

I hated this election, Like in Imo, I could not summon the gumption to pick a side in the war for the Benue state Governorship as each candidate all had compelling arguments and credentials to be Governor, it was easier to sit on the fence and let the masses decide.  

Now that Ortom has emerged here are a few awed observations:

how does a man rise from humble beginnings to rise from driver to LGA chairman to treasurer of the reigning PDP to minister where he was applauded into office on the senate floor due to awe at his background and from there seize the APC ticket at the last minute to become Governor after crossing from the PDP.

Along the way he also picked up a PhD.

How did he become the valiant defender of the Benue valley after first ceding Agutu and later despite that monumental concession earn the wrath of Arewa when he became mourner in Chief due to his position as governor when he was forced to bury hundreds of his massacred kinsmen.

How was he able to leave the APC and cross into the rebel PDP camp, and overcome Tarzoor and the intimidating league of politicians who saw him coming and vowed to stop him, to seize the ticket. 

Who was advising him when he suddenly woke up and fired disloyal members of his Exco and break publicly with Akume his political Godfather.

How did he convince the depressed legion of unpaid workers, some owed as much as 12 months  or more (unverifiable) to vote for him despite the pain of empty wallets and hunger in their stomach. 

How did he get a popular idoma nationalist to be campaigning for the PDP which translates to votes for him after many moons of crucifying him for the ceding and neglect of the idoma hinterland.

Where did he get the money to sustain his campaign and how was he able to discourage or maintain a demeanor that did not attract more federal might and resources to unseat him as even Buhari was reported to be personally vexed by his opinion that Ortom was using the massacres for politics.

During all this drama, his former boss whom he served as a driver joined the opposition against him. His Political godfather and in-law mobilized against him, former appointees joined the APC and a few personal friends were forced against his candidacy and campaigned against him. A lot of acrimony and bad blood and recriminations.

They man either has many faces which he can wear comfortably or he has the ability to persuade and convince diplomatically without sounding like a militant a skill one will observe in his interview on channels about the herdsmen issues or he is a good strategizer convinced of the righteousness of his cause or he is listening to some very good advice from his coterie of advisers, perhaps it’s a combination of all this combined and the bravery to not be intimidated and break with all things breakable in furtherance of his ambition.

Whatever the case we must congratulate him on his election pending any appeals as he swayed public opinion in his favor after no doubt using up many of his nine cat lives still left

Benue will be watching very closely over the next four years to see how he uses his next chance to make amends and pull Benue out of the depths of poverty and bloodshed in the Benue by the Fulani militia.

It is hoped that he can apply the same rugged tenacity he deployed to be re-elected to bring prosperity to the Benue.

We will give him a week to celebrate then it is back to the business of ensuring he stays on the honorable path in providing leadership and ensuring Benue resources are properly managed.

Terhemba Osuji


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