
Showing posts from 2019


Background: Days before this event (#premuta) I wrote a post raising observations about the seeming lack of planning and public information about the convention to be held in Maryland. Among many things I observed was the failure to update the MUTA’s website and the omission of the venue for the convention in press releases by the state government, they large delegation from the state attending which I suspected would be larger than attendance by residents, followed by the popular opinion, that they unnecessary expense of an entourage would be better applied on other issues. Lastly, was my annoyance that members visiting from Benue had more information about the event than I, a resident, and my negative perception that it was deliberate to keep it exclusive, but I was determined to attend. Convention Reality: I did attend and While many of my observations were indeed true, I was shocked at how my perceptions were in stark contrast to the reality on ground and the realization that a lot

MUTA America

Benue’s inefficiency and poor planning has been exported to America. Visitors to the MUTA convention from the motherland know more about the event than the residents. The whole event is shrouded in mystery, a simple and cheap dissemination tool like a MUTA Facebook page is hard to find through a random search and MUTA America’s website has not been updated to provide information about this event. Not even Akase’s press release provided they information for the event. Aondu only knows how much will be spent by the entourage of delegates from Benue state for this event. I dare say they will outnumber Tiv diasporans who despite their enthusiasm would be hard pressed to take precious vacation time to attend such an event in a far-flung corner in the state of Maryland on a weekday. Conclusively the cost of the entourage would be sufficient to pay for the school fees and or assist struggling Tiv people in America, forget they pictures you see on Facebook. If I did not know better

Notes on the Re-Election of Ortom

I hated this election, Like in Imo, I could not summon the gumption to pick a side in the war for the Benue state Governorship as each candidate all had compelling arguments and credentials to be Governor, it was easier to sit on the fence and let the masses decide.  Now that Ortom has emerged here are a few awed observations: how does a man rise from humble beginnings to rise from driver to LGA chairman to treasurer of the reigning PDP to minister where he was applauded into office on the senate floor due to awe at his background and from there seize the APC ticket at the last minute to become Governor after crossing from the PDP. Along the way he also picked up a PhD. How did he become the valiant defender of the Benue valley after first ceding Agutu and later despite that monumental concession earn the wrath of Arewa when he became mourner in Chief due to his position as governor when he was forced to bury hundreds of his massacred kinsmen. How was he able to leave the APC and cross

Notes on the Re-Election of Ortom

I hated this election, Like in Imo, I could not summon the gumption to pick a side in the war for the Benue state Governorship as each candidate all had compelling arguments and credentials to be Governor, it was easier to sit on the fence and let the masses decide.   Now that Ortom has emerged here are a few awed observations: how does a man rise from humble beginnings to rise from driver to LGA chairman to treasurer of the reigning PDP to minister where he was applauded into office on the senate floor due to awe at his background and from there seize the APC ticket at the last minute to become Governor after crossing from the PDP. Along the way he also picked up a PhD. How did he become the valiant defender of the Benue valley after first ceding Agutu and later despite that monumental concession earn the wrath of Arewa when he became mourner in Chief due to his position as governor when he was forced to bury hundreds of his massacred kinsmen. How was he able to leave the APC and cros

How Will Benue Vote During the 2019 Governorship Elections

Which Way Benue Never has there been an election that rankles the nerves like the election of 2019. Personally it has been a gut wrenching experience made even worse by the increasingly irascible attitude of “Friends” who have become rabid in their almost divine mission of unseating candidates and a mindset intolerant of any discussion; they quickly resort to blocking or sending insults. Nevertheless it is a painful process that must be endured as we meditate and fight over which candidate to support to handle the mission and land mines ahead in Benue fighting for its survival and protection of our ancestral lands. There has never been an election in Benue more important than the election of 2019. The staggered elections meant that the presidential, senate and Nass elections were held on feb 23rd with the governorship and house of assembly elections to follow on the 9th of March. The elections on the 23 swung Benue into the opposition column for the first time since the 60’

Tiv Questions For Atiku

 All I want to know besides placards demanding he marry a tiv woman (Lol) and allegedly going through great expense to rent crowds for him and posing in military regalia, I want to know whether one fearless patriot grabbed the microphone and demanded that Atiku promise to:  1. return Benue Cement to tiv stake holders and pay compensation to the victims of Zaki Biam killed during his regime.  2. Visit Wantereu Paul Unongu like he did Obasanjo to beg for forgiveness. 2. Remove  Fulani and their cows from the Benue valley and allow for indigenously run ranching feeder lots.  3. fund a project to grow a herd of bua tiv, a cow distinct, from a Fulani cow.  I am still waiting for the minutes of the discussion and a picture of him swearing an oath on the swem (after all isn’t he “Zegemule U Tiv”) that he will fulfill the promise.  On Business, and making Benue and Nigeria work again, but when did Nigeria ever work except during colonial times before I was born, his forte,  4. can he help us f