
Showing posts from July, 2017

Amalgamation of Middle-belt Political Forces

I am monitoring reports that the Fulani want to avenge the deaths the suffered in the Mambilla hills of Taraba, that is Jukun Territory. The rumors of this possible revenge attack by the Fulani do not take into account the violent militant history of the Jukun and they may yet be one of the few tribes in the middle-belt not to be defeated militarily. Very few Nigerians know the warrior history of the Jukun and though numerically inferior to the Tiv the have battled and in some cases defeated them in numerous Jukun vs Tiv wars not given prominence in Middlebelt history. The plot thickens now that their beloved son Lt. General TY Danjuma has seemingly broken ranks with the NW power block aka Kaduna mafia and issued a statement about a plot to islamize Nigeria. This is no idle statement from a statesman who usually guards his utterances and truth be told it's a semi declaration of WAR, or intent at resistance. The General is no ordinary citizen or statesman, he is one of the wealthies