

The biggest crime that made Akwaza person non grata was that he allegedly stole cows of Fulani herdsmen. That is a lie, he chased away grazing cows and their Fulani herders in his zeal to implement anti grazing laws or in righteous anger at the destruction of crops and vast tracks of farmland, some stubborn resistant herdsmen may have been killed or brutalized in the process. Ever since, that unforgivable sin, confirmed by a serving governor that anyone spilling Fulani blood had taken a debt? the force of federal might was used to have akwaza declared a criminal militia commander and a N5m bounty was placed on his head. Alongside that declaration, an insidious plot was hatched to tie and link incidents of banditry to Tiv militia commanders like Akwaza and Deyan and Tashiaku. Unfortunately for Akwaza This ransom was declared before the massacres that forced Ortom’s hand to act under cover of the mass burial of the innocents and other events to enact the anti grazing bil and become more

Following Up On Governor Ortoms Call For Gun Possession

 In a recent submission to the Centre for values in leadership, in collaboration with the Governors forum, Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom, suggested that responsible Nigerians be allowed to carry AK47’s to reduce insecurity in the land. Coming from a state ravaged by ethnic cleansing and genocidal slaughter by suspected Fulani herdsmen his suggestion was not greeted by the strong applause it deserved especially from an advocate and government official so highly placed, perhaps because his call may have been perceived as a suggestion based on solving the background of violence in Benue State alone. In retrospect, it is time for Nigerians to not disregard his suggestion and to take the call for  gun possession by all Nigerians more seriously with the flight into worsening insecurity and endless slaughter and killings and burglaries and carjacking’s and kidnappings of Nigerians today, especially since the federal government cannot guarantee the safety of Nigerians, a core human right

Tribal Nationalism and Shadow Ethnic Militia Commanders

Nigeria is far more polarized and nationalized along ethnic lines than we can ever imagine. The north or more specifically the Fulani and Hausa were unbelievably very well informed about the late Tiv militia commander Terwase Akwaza aka Gana through their shadow information dissemination systems like radio and vernacular communications than many people realize. Infact Gana, was deified to the status of a Tiv national leader by the Hausa Fulani diasporas migreb feared and hated because he was thwarting the incursions of their influence and challenging Fulani herdsmen. From their tribal nationalistic prism very few believe they do not have the right to graze anywhere unrestricted in Nigeria because land was provided by allah for use by all. and their vernacular information systems keep them well informed about vigilante and Militia fighters like Gana who are enemies of the sharia state thwarting their nationalistic agenda. You only need to go to Facebook pages and see them celebrating h

Time For Yo TIV to Rise Up Again

Herdsmen attacked have resumed according to a press release by Ortom. He also demanded that these herdsmen be declared as the Terrorists that they truly are.  Where are the angry Tiv men and stubborn women I remember and know. Why is Facebook not agog with the news and commentary support, why is the Tiv Brotherhood Page with thousands of members empty of comments. Is it because we do not identity with unknown peasants from remote villages.  The period of peace following the vigorous introduction of RUGA and the sympathy following the ignoble massacre and public burial of hundreds of TIV seems to have induced some sort of slumber and even the MAFO and beef seems to have lost its vigor. No one seems to be sensitized that it starts small in remote villages before towns get overrun. Why is Governor Ortom they only one staking and risking his political career, albeit skillfully, in confronting this menace which extends beyond the political to every Tiv man, we know he is the Governor and ha


Background: Days before this event (#premuta) I wrote a post raising observations about the seeming lack of planning and public information about the convention to be held in Maryland. Among many things I observed was the failure to update the MUTA’s website and the omission of the venue for the convention in press releases by the state government, they large delegation from the state attending which I suspected would be larger than attendance by residents, followed by the popular opinion, that they unnecessary expense of an entourage would be better applied on other issues. Lastly, was my annoyance that members visiting from Benue had more information about the event than I, a resident, and my negative perception that it was deliberate to keep it exclusive, but I was determined to attend. Convention Reality: I did attend and While many of my observations were indeed true, I was shocked at how my perceptions were in stark contrast to the reality on ground and the realization that a lot

MUTA America

Benue’s inefficiency and poor planning has been exported to America. Visitors to the MUTA convention from the motherland know more about the event than the residents. The whole event is shrouded in mystery, a simple and cheap dissemination tool like a MUTA Facebook page is hard to find through a random search and MUTA America’s website has not been updated to provide information about this event. Not even Akase’s press release provided they information for the event. Aondu only knows how much will be spent by the entourage of delegates from Benue state for this event. I dare say they will outnumber Tiv diasporans who despite their enthusiasm would be hard pressed to take precious vacation time to attend such an event in a far-flung corner in the state of Maryland on a weekday. Conclusively the cost of the entourage would be sufficient to pay for the school fees and or assist struggling Tiv people in America, forget they pictures you see on Facebook. If I did not know better

Notes on the Re-Election of Ortom

I hated this election, Like in Imo, I could not summon the gumption to pick a side in the war for the Benue state Governorship as each candidate all had compelling arguments and credentials to be Governor, it was easier to sit on the fence and let the masses decide.  Now that Ortom has emerged here are a few awed observations: how does a man rise from humble beginnings to rise from driver to LGA chairman to treasurer of the reigning PDP to minister where he was applauded into office on the senate floor due to awe at his background and from there seize the APC ticket at the last minute to become Governor after crossing from the PDP. Along the way he also picked up a PhD. How did he become the valiant defender of the Benue valley after first ceding Agutu and later despite that monumental concession earn the wrath of Arewa when he became mourner in Chief due to his position as governor when he was forced to bury hundreds of his massacred kinsmen. How was he able to leave the APC and cross